Holy Avtar Vani - Shabad No. 218
Mushkal hai ki banda koi teri rehmat de gun gaaye;
Mushkal hai ki banda koi tere bhane nun ajmaye.
Mushkal hai ki banda koi munkar hove te sukh paye;
Mushkal hai ki banda koi baajh guru de bkhshya jaye.
Kakhaan de ambaar hon je ik chinag cha kardi dheri ey;
Kahe avtar kani bakhshish dee papan laei batheri ey.
It is difficult for a human being to sing the glory of all Thy (your) grace. It is difficult for a human being to challenge the effectiveness of Thy will. It is difficult for a human to be happy even though not believing in Thy existence. It is difficult to believe that a human being may be forgiven without the True Master. One spark is sufficient to burn the whole bundle of dry grass and reduce it to ashes. Here Baba Avtar Singh ji says that, one single drop of divine grace is adequate to wash away all the sins.